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Reb Eliezer

I will demonstrate the derech halimud (learning methodology) of both litvish and chassidish methods.


There is a custom in our shul to relight Chanukah candles in the morning. This is based according to the Sheorim Metzuyonim Behalach on the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch on the Rambam Hilchas Temidin Umosafin (3,12) who says that in the mikdash when the light went out in the morning, they would clean it and then relight it which being part of the cleaning process, so we make a zecher lamikdash, remembering how it was done in the mikdash. The Rashba in his teshuvas argues on this. They would only relight it in the afternoon. The question is, sheraga betahara mai mehana, why light in the sunlight when it can not be seen? I think this question only applies if the reason for relighting in the morning is parsumei nisa, publicize the miracle. However, if the reason is zecher lamikdash, then the opposite is true. In the Mikdash the light was not used to be seen, vechi leorah hi tzarich?