Reply To: why did our conservative news site go liberal?

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Say it ain’t so….YWN becoming part of the left-wing, drive-by, socialist, FAKE news mob??? If you have any doubts, just go through the archives and look at all the flattering stock photos used by the YWN editorial staff whenever a headline mentions either Hillary or Obama, where the photo has no contextual reference to the news item. Or use the search function and see if you can find a story in the past few months where any references to the ehrliche governor of NYS or mayor of NYC doesn’t have some pejorative prefix (perhaps rightfully so). In simple terms, while not a yiddeshe version of NewsMax or OAN, many of us will assure you that the YWN news editors have not gone rogue. Nor should you expect to see Rav Avi Weiss’ columns replacing those of Rav Hoffman or any of my less than respectful postings about certain rabbonim or askanim get by the Mods. However, if your definition of “liberal” means anything that doesn’t conform to the alternative reality of the Trumpkopfs, than perhaps you have a legitimate broigas with the YWN management.