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@TheRock thats the only way to make a shidduch ….the main point is Derech Eretz comes first.

As someone said: the problem is with Beis Yaakovs, they are not producing enough rich girls …

As usual in social problems, where do you start in this circle – in education, probably? teach both boys and girls derech eretz, in both (related) meanings – midos and work.

I had a nice conversation with a teacher at some point: she was telling me to focus on selecting a right seminary [with some condescending to my potential lack of Torah values – “if it is a money issue, I can help you find a right place”, as if I was on a stipend and she paid full tuition, instead of other way around]; and I asked her to maybe introduce a topic on mitzvah of kibud av ve’em, not being happy how girls propose chumrot for their mother instead of helping her … We mutually looked at each other – as if the other side is talking about something inappropriate

So, we made a controlled experiment: it took about 3 months of separating the kid from the school, for middos to improve.