Reply To: Last Chance for Trump: accept responsibility for Jan/6 violence; alologize for f

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Last Chance for Trump: accept responsibility for Jan/6 violence; alologize for f Reply To: Last Chance for Trump: accept responsibility for Jan/6 violence; alologize for f

Ben Levi

I have no idea why Trump would take responisbilty for violenece that was planned before his speech (according to the notorious right wing new source CNN) that took place despite his calling for “peacful” demonstrations (transcript of his speech, and that he condemned 3 times while it took place.

However I can understand why Nancy Pelosi would take responsibilty for the many lives lost and billions of dollars of damge caused by her called for “uprisings” throught the nation.

Or Kamala Harris would take responsibilty by encouraging violenece through promoting bail out funds for thos earrested.