Reply To: Democrats are scared of trump!

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This is just too too funny. Picture Mishna times……. A Rav runs around the land spreading false and unproven rulings using proof that he got from his daughters midwifes 2nd cousins washerwooman, These claims were thrown out of every Bes Din due to lack of reliable documentation, yet this Rav continues to spread the false rulings. Or maybe a current Rabbi telling his congregation to follow inaccurate Halacha that had been dismissed by every Beis DIn. Instead of dismissing facts and rulings by the courts, the unlearned, nieve and ignorant blind followers continue to spread these unsubstantiated rumours as if they were the law of the land. THere was a movie years ago where women were brainwashed by subliminal messages in the hair dryers while they were at the beauty shop. I see this has been changed now to some shuls and Kiddish because it is obvious that too may people had bad kool-aid at Kiddish. I would suggest the Reb Eliezer and Gadolhtorah do some Gemorrah classes for the COffee Room and explain in simple terms that you have to have LEGITIMATE proof about what you spread. Then they can go around taking the false orange idols out of their house of the minions . And if you want to know how scared the democrats of this crazy man, ask Raphael Warnock or JOn Ossof. After this man ruins the Republican Party in the 2022 elections, gets embarrassed in the courts and is proven as a fraud. lets see how many of you continue to see him as a profit or realize that he is what he is.