Democrats are scared of trump!

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    ☕️coffee addict

    As Reb eliezer pointed out in a different post the whole reason they want to impeach Trump is “so that he can’t run again”

    If they felt that trump would really lose if he ran again “just like this time” why wouldn’t they want him to run?

    This question is made stronger that if they feel they’re bringing the country in a better direction than Trump then why should they be scared of him


    CA -“If they felt that trump would really lose if he ran again “just like this time” why wouldn’t they want him to run?”

    Oh course they’re scared.
    Especially the DemonCrats that manipulated this last election to make it seem he lost.
    The only ones that Believe Biden won – is Biden himself, some DemonCrats (like the ones who post here), and the Never Trumper Guys.
    E/o else knows Trump won the 2020 election!

    Reb Eliezer

    Health, I told you before, if people say you are drunk, lay yourself down. They don’t want to go through this again and not because Trump would win.


    It’s more like they are scared of Biden.

    So much of the Democrats political identity is intertwined with hating Trump that at this point they desperately NEED him to stick around as a boogey man. An impeachment trial will unite the left but spilt the right, take the focus off Biden’s ineffective Corona response and other failures of his administration.

    Without Trump and Republicans to fight with, without distracting their followers by blaming Trump and Trumpists for Americas problems they would (1)have to actually deal with some of them (2)allow the spot light to shine on their failure to do so.

    That is what this impeachment is about about.


    Yup….everyone else “knows Trump won the 2020 election”. Even the 78 Federal and State Judges (22 appointed by Trump) in 58 separate cases, the Attorney General, FBI director and head of the federal cyber aency, ALL TRUMP Appointees, etc. all agreed that Trump really won. After the Senate trial (where most of the courageous Republican Senators will vote to acquit) let the poor guy live out his remaining years in Florida with all his eyniklekh watching reruns of MAGA rallies on OAN.


    trump is still the president, he won that election. mathematically impossible for someone to win 18 out of 19 counties that have correctly predicted the winner of the election since 1980, as trump did, and lose the election.


    RE -“They don’t want to go through this again and not because Trump would win.”
    GH -“Yup….everyone else “knows Trump won the 2020 election”. Even the 78 Federal and State Judges (22 appointed by Trump) in 58 separate cases, the Attorney General, FBI director and head of the federal cyber aency, ALL TRUMP Appointees, etc. all agreed that Trump really won”

    Thank you for proving my point!
    From before:
    “The only ones that Believe Biden won – some DemonCrats (like the ones who post here).
    E/o else knows Trump won the 2020 election!”


    I’m not personally afraid of Donald Trump, but all my children have known their whole lives that if they are out at a park and they see an adult behaving or talking like that man, they should leave immediately.

    But I’m not a Democrat, so maybe that explains my lack of personal fear.

    ☕️coffee addict


    I understand your concern but I even think they’re scared of his policies (which btw until corona came made America Great Again)

    Trump thought out of the box regarding Israel and joe wants the United States to go back in the box


    I don’t believe Democrats are afraid of Donald Trump. We are afraid of his actions and of the lunatics he attracted. These ignorant fools with guns are a threat tp public safety.

    As for those who can not accept that he lost the election, all I can say is you/they are delusional.


    There are at least 100,000,000 Americans who are old enough to be president. Would it really matter if there were only 99,999,999?

    If you know the facts, which most Republicans don’t, you would know that it is unlawful for someone who led an insurrection against the US government, such as Trump did on 1/6/2021, to run for president.


    I’m not sure the chidush of this thread.

    Of course Democrats are scared of Trump. He is an unhinged (something many of his supporters agree too!) liar with a lot of support. That is dangerous

    He said it best “I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any support” (parpahrasing)
    That statement is probably true. and It is scary.


    aoish you need both a math refresher and a civics refresher

    The math checks out. In fact it is mathematically possible to lose ALL 19 of thsoe counties by 100% and still win the election (need to win other counties STATES determine electoral winner not counties)

    The President is chosen by the Electoral college. The electoral college voted for Joe Biden on Dec 14 and was certified on Jan 6. These facts are not in dispute.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Ctlawyer and others,

    I meant they are scared that he will become president throughout winning the electoral college which means that most people support him in those states that he wins

    Instead of trying to eliminate the competition why don’t you show the people in those states that you have a better way and he will lose regardless (anyways I would assume he would take away republican votes if he ran again (3rd party) which would guarantee a Democrat win!

    So what are you afraid of?


    ”led an insurrection against the US government, such as Trump did on 1/6/2021”

    Fact-check: False

    Reb Eliezer

    Trump did not lead the insurrection but encouraged it.


    CTlawyer -“As for those who can not accept that he lost the election, all I can say is you/they are delusional”

    False. He won the election. He did lose the Electoral College Vote.

    “These ignorant fools with guns are a threat tp public safety.”

    Since when are you DemonCrats worried about Public Safety?
    The High Rate of Crime mostly Occurs in DemonCrat run Inner Cities!
    Also, all last year the DemonCrats stood by or encouraged Violence by Left Wing Mobs.


    I am not scared he will become President again. I don’t think it will happen
    I am more scared of the Qanon crazies being elected to Congress from Trump loving districts.


    The Democrats should be scared. In spite of alienating a large percentage of his own party (the only explanation of Trump’s negative tailcoats – the rest of the ticket did better than he did), Trump got a tremendous number of popular votes that Obama ever got, and missed winning by a tiny margin. If a Republican can keep Trump’s base (working class non-African Americans) while not alienatating the traditional Republican base (middle class, pro-business but not necessarily affluent), the Republicans will be able to trounce the Democrats nationally. Having alienating its traditional working class base, the Democrats are left with the limousine liberals and relying on “identity politics” to get Blacks, Hispanics and Asians to vote Democratic even though they would be better off under the Republicans.


    ”Trump did not lead the insurrection but encouraged it.”

    Fact-check: False

    ☕️coffee addict


    I am not scared he will become President again. I don’t think it will happen“

    So wouldn’t you want him to run again so whoever is on the Democrat ticket will win


    “In spite of alienating a large percentage of his own party “

    How did he alienate a large part of his party if he got more votes this time than last


    @Health you are delusional and wrong
    Trump lost the election by millions of votes
    He also lost the Electoral College Vote.

    BTW….I live in a small Republican Town in Fairfield County. The last time it voted Democrat for President was in 1964 (LBJ over Goldwater), It voted overwhelmingly for Biden, Trump lost. All the other Republicans on the ticket running for state offices won in our town. The voters split their tickets to REJECT Trump



    Besides your English which does not make sense:
    “Trump got a tremendous number of popular votes that Obama ever got, and missed winning by a tiny margin.”
    I think you mean Trump got more popular votes than Obama did. DUH, there were far more voters and a far larger population than in 2008 and 2012.

    What you fail to mention is that TRUMP got 3 million less votes than Clinton in 2016 and Biden more than doubled that victory margin in 2020.

    To put it plainly, when it comes to the popular vote: Trump is a REPEAT LOSER.


    Made Aliyah,

    Trump is still the President of the US.

    Fact-Check: False

    Trump can lie over and over that the election was stolen but is not responsible for the results of such a statement.

    Fact-Check: False

    Trump gets to take credit for anything good that happens but is not to blame for anything bad that happens.

    Fact-Check: False


    This is just too too funny. Picture Mishna times……. A Rav runs around the land spreading false and unproven rulings using proof that he got from his daughters midwifes 2nd cousins washerwooman, These claims were thrown out of every Bes Din due to lack of reliable documentation, yet this Rav continues to spread the false rulings. Or maybe a current Rabbi telling his congregation to follow inaccurate Halacha that had been dismissed by every Beis DIn. Instead of dismissing facts and rulings by the courts, the unlearned, nieve and ignorant blind followers continue to spread these unsubstantiated rumours as if they were the law of the land. THere was a movie years ago where women were brainwashed by subliminal messages in the hair dryers while they were at the beauty shop. I see this has been changed now to some shuls and Kiddish because it is obvious that too may people had bad kool-aid at Kiddish. I would suggest the Reb Eliezer and Gadolhtorah do some Gemorrah classes for the COffee Room and explain in simple terms that you have to have LEGITIMATE proof about what you spread. Then they can go around taking the false orange idols out of their house of the minions . And if you want to know how scared the democrats of this crazy man, ask Raphael Warnock or JOn Ossof. After this man ruins the Republican Party in the 2022 elections, gets embarrassed in the courts and is proven as a fraud. lets see how many of you continue to see him as a profit or realize that he is what he is.


    CTLawyer -“Trump lost the election by millions of votes”

    But in this Country – you can’t Count Illegal Votes!
    Trump won the Popular Voting.
    That’s why the Left staged a Riot at the Capitol when Congress was debating all the Fraud.
    If it was the Right, then they picked the Worse Possible time!
    Tell me why was N. Pelosi’s SiL talking with Jake Angeli, a known paid Rioter, in the Front of the Capitol the morning of the Capitol Riot?
    What do they have in Common?
    Why was State Police cars escorting 5 vans of Antifa to the Capitol – the morning of the Capitol Riot?
    You can Live in the New US of A – it’s Now similar to Commy China.

    From the AP:
    “CLAIM: “They want us to believe that Joe Biden won 200 fewer counties than Obama but somehow got 9 million more votes? I don’t think so…”
    AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. It’s true that President-elect Joe Biden received more votes than former President Barack Obama did in 2008, while winning fewer counties. Posts questioning Biden’s win based on these metrics lack the key context that the number of counties won does not correlate with the number of votes received nationwide.
    THE FACTS: Data from The Associated Press shows that Biden won the presidential election with more than 81 million votes in 2020, but won just 527 of the United States’ 3113 counties”

    What a Big Lie!
    It shows how the MSM is in the Hands of the DemonCrats!
    From previous:
    “The only ones that Believe Biden won – is Biden himself, some DemonCrats (like the ones who post here), and the Never Trumper Guys.
    E/o else knows Trump won the 2020 election!”


    ”Trump is still the President of the US.Fact-Check: False”
    Please tell that to the Democrats who are trying to impeach him.

    Trump can lie over and over that the election was stolen but is not responsible for the results of such a statement.Fact-Check: False
    Really? Can you give me one similar example of someone responsible for indirect outcomes of his lies? (Bernie can’t help you out here).

    Trump gets to take credit for anything good that happens but is not to blame for anything bad that happens.Fact-Check: False
    Totally agree. Um, why’d you bring this up?

    ☕️coffee addict


    “Picture Mishna times……. A Rav runs around the land spreading false and unproven rulings using proof that he got from his daughters midwifes 2nd cousins washerwooman, These claims were thrown out of every Bes Din due to lack of reliable documentation, yet this Rav continues to spread the false rulings.“

    Better yet picture Shlomo Hamelech when he got kicked out of the palace by ashmadai and was telling everyone he’s the king and the רבנן said “a crazy person doesn’t stick to one topic”

    That’s what happened here (I’m not sure if Biden is a שד but I wouldn’t be surprised if Kamala was one 😜)



    Don’t start with Gemorah and beis din.

    The impeachment trial is so antithetical to Torah and Beis Din that there is no end but for starters he would never be brought to Beis Din over what is worst case scenario a grama and Beis Din would NEVER allow ANYONE to be judged by his enemies like the impeachment trial is doing.

    And that’s just for starts. It’s questionable if this impeachment would meet L’havdil the secular standards for a fair trial as set up if the sixth amendment but last impeachment trial the Democrats brushed away such arguments by saying that the sixth amendment refers to criminal trails and impeachment isn’t a criminal trial(typical Democratic logic. Only by CRIMINALS do we worry about they are treated…)

    Reb Eliezer

    A leader has different judgements to protect the nation as Shaul Hamelech. It does not have to be a criminal act. Trump was a masis umadiach contributing to deaths and injuries to people for whom he is responsible for.


    Trump would never meet the halacha standards of masis umadiach.

    And Halacha does not allow the judgement of kings to begin with… because it would never be a fair trial… (albeit for a different reason than Trump)

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Reb E- I don’t know what’s crazier, blaming trump for a stroke and two suicides, or for all the coronavirus deaths, bar none.

    Trump is scary? Why isn’t it scary that our energy bills are rising, jobs were slashed during a pandemic, and the response is to just find different jobs, and another response was that there are lots of people out of job now. We just have to heal. WHAT? I have been out of work for 10 months now with no let up (I work in the schools) A chutzpah to let me sink because you have an agenda to adhere to. I find this terrifying. To be dumped in a pit with no mercy, no understanding and no let up. No word of responsibility or understanding of not making ends meet. Don’t give me any stupid trump responses. This isn’t about trump. Tell me how this information that i heard myself (as opposed to reading) isn’t something to be scared of.

    Reb Eliezer

    Trump is not a king as the halochos of morid bemalchus does not apply since he can’t put them to death and even bring tbem to justice. Achashveus gave Vashti over to justice but because of his shcizophrenic nature were afraid to rule.



    To put it plainly, you are a blithering idiot.
    Trump LOST the popular vote in 2016 and 2020.
    No proof of widespread illegal vote being counted has been presented in the courts. PROOF, not allegation.
    What State police escorting 5 vans of Antifa to the Capitol??????? PURE LIES. There are NO State Police in the District of Columbia. It is NOT a state. State police from outside the district could not cross the boundary to escort anyone to the Capitol. The only time State Police can cross out of state on duty is in the HOT PURSUIT of a criminal fleeing a crime.

    We don’t vote by County in the USA, only popular vote and statewide Electoral College votes. Counties can have 1,000 residents or 3 million, so it doesn’t matter how many counties someone ‘wins.’
    Connecticut has EIGHT Counties. The two largest Counties by population: Hartford and Fairfield have 1.832 million people. The other six combines have 1.6 million people. So win 2 lose 6 and still win the total popular vote for the state and all the Electoral College votes.

    Stop parroting the LOSER’s rhetoric and face pure facts, such as the county example I posted. You look like a fool, it’s unbecoming


    Reb E

    First you try to bring a proof from Shaul HaMalech then you tell us Trump is not a king then you bring Achsvarus of all people into this. (What about the posuk of Mishpat Eched..?)Quit when you are not so behind.

    Bottom line this whole conversation is a non starter. The idea of someone being judged by openly hostile enemies and with personal interest in the outcome of a trial that they don’t even deny(this includes the Republicans too) is so antithetical to Torah that there is nothing to talk about.

    And that is just the starting point

    Reb Eliezer

    smerel, what I bring proof is that someone responsible of people whether a melech or not is judged differently. Trump has violated his oath by endangering peiple that he was responsible for and therefore, he certainly should not serve in that position not now or in the future. You brought a proof from a melech, so I said he is not one.


    CTlawyer -“What State police escorting 5 vans of Antifa to the Capitol??????? PURE LIES. There are NO State Police in the District of Columbia. It is NOT a state. State police from outside the district could not cross the boundary to escort anyone to the Capitol.”

    Obviously those cops weren’t from DC.
    That’s the problem with AZ, like believing in DemonCrats.
    Actually I wouldn’t have believed it either – if I didn’t see the Video.
    The video was on Flashpoint from the Victory channel.
    I couldn’t see the Name on those State Police cars, but I did see the rest.
    The guy shooting the video claimed they were Antifa.
    And I have no reason to believe he could make that up on the spot!
    It’s unfortunate that people in our government, namely the DemonCrats, have made an Insurrection against the Presidency of Donald Trump!

    Reb Eliezer

    That was a dreadful thing to say and will not be posted. -29

    Reb Eliezer

    Mod-29 you misunderstood the post. I said that people stay by their beliefs even to the last minute when everything is proven agaunst them. I did not infer anything about the character of the poster, so there is nothing dreadful about it.



    Obviously NOT only weren’t those supposed state police from DC, they weren’t in DC.
    So you viewed a video on an obscure news source and can’t verify the name of the state police force that was supposedly escorting 5 vans of Antifa to the US Capitol….which they could not legally do within the DC boundaries and you expect us to believe this is true?

    Get over it, Trump lost by more than 7 million votes.
    The country has to move on.
    If the Senate doesn’t vote to preclude it, he can run again in 2024. Grover Cleveland lost his reelection bid in 1888 and won a second term in 1892.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I am not scared he will become President again. I don’t think it will happen
    I am more scared of the Qanon crazies being elected to Congress from Trump loving districts“

    “ If the Senate doesn’t vote to preclude it, he can run again in 2024. Grover Cleveland lost his reelection bid in 1888 and won a second term in 1892.”

    This is called being LAWYERED


    CTlawyer -“Obviously NOT only weren’t those supposed state police from DC, they weren’t in DC…. ”

    I couldn’t see the name on the cars, but they were State Police.
    At least in China they admit that they are Commies.
    Why can’t you DemonCrats admit – because Trump promised to Clean the Swamp – they hated him from the Git Go?!?
    That’s why they did 2 impeachments & Stole an Election.

    You didn’t answer this:
    “Tell me why was N. Pelosi’s SiL talking with Jake Angeli, a known paid Rioter, in the Front of the Capitol the morning of the Capitol Riot?
    What do they have in Common?”

    ☕️coffee addict


    Proof positive that it wasn’t because of trump that they went to the Capitol, it was planned in advance and whatever Trump would say the Democrats would blame him for what happened


    Don’t give up your day job


    Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (after this, therefore because of this) FALSE logic.

    The pipe bombs were not planted at the Capitol and have nothing to do with Trump’s words to the mob on January 6th: Paraphrase by CTL…Go up to the Capitol and I will go with you.
    Trump urged the mob to go to The Capitol, and of course he lied saying he would go with them.


    CA -“Proof positive that it wasn’t because of trump that they went to the Capitol, it was planned in advance and whatever Trump would say the Democrats would blame him for what happened”

    Let me explain you something, the MSM is an arm of DemonCrats.
    Nothing much they say is Truthful.

    I’ve been going to alternative News Sites, like Xiatin News, even though I’m a Frum Yid.
    The night before the Riot, on the Xiatin News, the only ones out were the Missionaries and the BLM & Antifa.
    So the Missionary went to preach to them.
    So he asked – where they all were.
    They replied most were in a meeting. (Maybe they were planting Bombs?)

    They complained to him that they weren’t getting enough Money, for being there!
    Who’s paying them?!?
    It’s Not Trump.
    And also the DemonCrats Lie, which some Republicans joined in with this Impeachment, that they claimed his words Incited a Riot at the Capitol.
    This is impossible, because the words of “Go to the Capitol and fight”, was at least 20 minutes after the Riot Started!

    ☕️coffee addict


    Let’s say Trump didn’t make the speech they would have blamed him for these pipe bombs and impeach him for that


    @Coffee Addict
    I highly doubt the house would have voted a Bill of Impeachment for just the 2 pipe bombs, not directed at government and which did not go off.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Right, they’d need something more legit, like the russia hoax!


    Oh Jackk -“Trump can lie over and over that the election was stolen but is not responsible for the results of such a statement.
    Fact-Check: False”

    You Libs think that you won the election and it’s over.
    Well think again!
    I just went to e-Prescott news.
    They are leading the way – Showing that the election was Stolen!
    Arizona is Now conducting (this week) a Forensic Audit on the November election.
    15 states are watching Arizona very closely, because they might follow suit!

    All Maricopa county election officials are being recalled. I think that’s 5.

    The guy said Dominion and China & Venezuela were major players.
    This is just the Beginning.
    He claims that this started a year before the November election.
    A lot of Americans, including corporations were involved.
    He claims that this wasn’t just Insurrection against President Trump, but Treason against the USA!
    Stay Tuned!!!


    Health – It would be funny if YWN would put a block akin to Twitter on all the craziness posted here about the election. You’d never have a post published.

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