Reply To: Do Rep. actually have an impeachable case against K. Harris or it’s just air?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Do Rep. actually have an impeachable case against K. Harris or it’s just air? Reply To: Do Rep. actually have an impeachable case against K. Harris or it’s just air?


If you believe that constitutionally protected speech, that inspires someone to engage in illegal activity, absent the speaker encouraging illegal acts, is illegal, then Trump was guilty, Harris is guilty and a large number of politicians are guilty of all sorts of crimes. This sort of interpretation of “free speech” is unAmerican, but is common in many countries (albeit not ones we would consider “free”). The rule would then be that criticism of the state is prohibited since it might incite someone to no longer support the state (heh, if it was good enough for Uncle Joe and Adolph, it’s good enough for … ).