Do Rep. actually have an impeachable case against K. Harris or it’s just air?

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    Do Rep. actually have an impeachable case against K. Harris or it’s just air?

    Lindsey Graham warns that Kamala Harris could be impeached if Republicans win House next year
    Shwanika Narayan | SF Chronicle, February 14, 2021
    … Vice President Kamala Harris could face impeachment for her tweet supporting a bail fund for Black Lives Matter protesters over the summer.

    Is this option with “teeth”?


    A year ago the answer would have been “no”

    Today the answer is “yes”

    Impeachment today is such a joke and partisan game that you can impeach anyone over any accusation that will resonate with YOUR supporters. That is all that counts.


    While I, like anyone else, condemn the violent riot and illegal entry into the Capitol building, it was quite a SHPIEL how the media tried to make the impeachment so “intense” as if it wasn’t 100% expected the results in the senate and that Trump “won’t” be found guilty…


    Harris is more impeachable than Trump was.

    Impeachment is merely a political process. If half the House plus one member agree to impeach an official because that official has a hair color they don’t like, they can legally impeach him.

    Democrats have turned the impeachment process into a farce and a joke. They should expect to reap what they sowed when Democrats in the White House are easily impeached.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Impeachment is merely a political process. If half the House plus one member agree to impeach an official because that official has a hair color they don’t like, they can legally impeach him.“

    I thought it was supposed to be “high crimes and misdemeanors”


    Yes, it is absolutely believable that there are a fringe group of about 70-75 Republicans in the House who would support a motion to impeach Harris over her efforts in relation to legal support for demonstrators who had been ailed for non-violent protests. Check what she said in the context of over a thousand arrests for those who blocked traffic etc. in the initial protests. Thats what civil disobedience is all about She never offered support to the violent rioters, arsonists, looters etc. but as the OP noted, facts don’t matter any more. The motion to impeach, is a privilged resolution which in theory will get a floor vote but its not going anywhere and won’t get a single Democratic vote.

    emes nisht sheker

    Given 7 Senators voted to convict Trump and there were additional Senators (e.g. McConnell) that voted not to convict on a technicality but still said that Trump was responsible, it is pretty clear this impeachment was on pretty solid grounds. Had it not been for the fear of losing in primaries, it is almost certain Trump would have been convicted. In other words, the GOP is a bunch of cowards with no principles here.

    Extrapolating anything about this impeachment to Harris is simply ridiculous. Lindsey Graham is a joke. I hope and expect more and more American’s (just not the ones who will likely respond to this with some post adoring Trump and trying to blame more deaths then by Benghazi on the Democrats, when it was Trump’s incitement that led to it) will view the Republicans for the spineless cowards they are, who would allow Democracy to be undermined, and they will in turn vote out of office these Republican traitors.


    The fastest route for Trunmp is to become President in 2023 is by running for Congress in 22.
    Given that base shows up in midterms, his participation will ensure flipping the house and possibly a couple of Senate seats. He can then become the Speaker – 3rd in line to Presidency and impeach first Harris on insurrection and immediately after that Biden on corruption or 25th amendment. He can argue the case in the Senate as the impeachment manager. Bernie & K will be already mad at the centrist Biden by that time, so they’ll flip for the price of a couple of cabinet posts.


    Always Ask: It may be difficult to run for Congress from the 18th District of Florida while residing in federal housing in Butner, North Carolina or Otisville, New York.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Oh my. It sounds like some of you aren’t taking your unity pills!!! Maybe you’re just waiting for that stimulus check to pay for it. Any day now!!


    AAQ-Your joking, uh, right?
    Gh-The idea that the Minnesota Freedom Fund bailed out just peaceful protesters is utterly false. In fact Greg Lewin of the MFF would disagree with you.-from National Review- ““I often don’t even look at a charge when I bail someone out,” Lewin said. “I will see it after I pay the bill because it is not the point. The point is the system we are fighting.”Lewin said the fund has bailed out about a dozen protesters since Floyd’s death sparked protests and unrest in cities around the country. Rioters in Minneapolis set a police precinct ablaze and looted businesses”.-Besides, even without what I just said, do you really think the police were busy arresting the peaceful protesters, when there were thugs actively trying to kill them? Kamala harris supported this. Anyone who was possibly thinking of joining the fray knew Kamala had their back.


    UJM -“Harris is more impeachable than Trump was.”

    She knew exactly what BLM “Protests” were.
    Most of them were Riots.
    If you saw any news last year – you knew that.
    For s/o running for VP – she must have watched some News!

    But it’s typical for DemonCrats that they can promote Violent Protests and then they can impeach s/o for saying – go to the Capitol and peacefully let your voices heard!

    From Colbert’s show:
    “shows a clip of Harris on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert saying: “But they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. They’re not. This is a movement. I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop, and everyone, beware. Because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before election day in November, and they are not going to stop after election day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels. That they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.”


    If you believe that constitutionally protected speech, that inspires someone to engage in illegal activity, absent the speaker encouraging illegal acts, is illegal, then Trump was guilty, Harris is guilty and a large number of politicians are guilty of all sorts of crimes. This sort of interpretation of “free speech” is unAmerican, but is common in many countries (albeit not ones we would consider “free”). The rule would then be that criticism of the state is prohibited since it might incite someone to no longer support the state (heh, if it was good enough for Uncle Joe and Adolph, it’s good enough for … ).


    Lindsey Graham is one of the biggest idiotic fools and trump sycophants of the senate.
    Due to his speeches before Jan 6th , he was implicated as a co-conspirator in the insurrection.
    He was never impartial and should have recused himself.
    He was 100% right when he tweeted on May 3 2016 – ” If we nominate trump we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it. ”
    Due to trump, they lost the WH, Senate and Congress in 4 years.


    >Lindsey Graham is one of the biggest idiotic fools and trump sycophants of the senate.<

    >He was 100% right when he tweeted on May 3 2016 – ‘If we nominate trump we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it.'<

    Am I the only one to see the contradiction?



    Yasher Koach.
    It is a complete contradiction. That is the essence of Lady G for you.
    He is a worthless and immoral politician without a conscience.


    Oh Jackk, -“He is a worthless and immoral politician without a conscience”

    You mean he’s just like a regular politician.
    With his qualifications he should become VP, just like Kamala.
    From previous:
    “shows a clip of Harris on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert saying:
    “But they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. They’re not. This is a movement. I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop, and everyone, beware. Because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before election day in November, and they are not going to stop after election day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels. That they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.”



    So you see the contradiction but don’t see who made the contradiction.
    It’s hard to argue with logic like that.


    Jackk, you made the contradiction😂😂
    I’m just waiting for you libs to defend Kamala….or do you agree that she should be impeached?



    I see you just posted to the thread regarding name calling and you are all for it since it means that you made a good point.

    I am thinking about that right now.



    >I see you just posted to the thread regarding name calling and you are all for it since it means that you made a good point. I am thinking about that right now.<

    I never said I was for it, I said it was a last resort for those who don’t how to admit they were wrong,
    so it’s good to see you are ”thinking about that right now”.
    Always happy to help you.


    Dear Jackk #1948751

    Maybe it would be preferable not to use that “term” Psaki used to denigrate Graham…

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