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@torahvaluesoverparty We can agree now that COVID is killing 1500 people in the US daily that masks are necessary. We can agree that if COVID will “only” kill 100 people in the US daily that masks will not be necessary. I don’t know where the line is drawn, I’ll leave that to people smarter than me. Right now it’s clear that the line hasn’t been passed yet, so let’s worry about whether or not to wear masks when we start to approach it.

Ah it was you. You double down and claimed that I was lying when I said “You called Hatzalah on a man choking to death on a mask”. What was my lie? That the man wasn’t choking, he was “struggling to breathe”. OK. Sorry, whatever veracity you had went out the window at that point. I exaggerated the story to prove a point: that if someone had Hatzalah called because a mask inhibited their breathing, then many people would have had Hatzalah called. But they weren’t, QED.

Look, I don’t deny that there are people who are psychologically incapable of wearing masks. Your friend (if he exists) was probably having an anxiety attack. But don’t pretend that masks are dangerous. Especially when it’s imperative that we try to wear them as much as possible around other people. Anyone who is having psychological difficulty wearing a mask (the only possible difficulty) needs to see a therapist ASAP. They are no different than an alcoholic who cannot drive without getting drunk first.

Oh and I googled “Asthma and masks”. First five results were from some pretty reliable sources and all talk about how masks don’t affect asthma unless the someone regularly needs machines to breath. I am not diving into the weird part of the internet just to find one or two obscure conspiracy sites that bolster your argument.

You have yet to bring a single rational argument about how the mild psychological affects of mask wearing somehow trump the major sakana of not wearing them (see: my drunk driving moshol).