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I replied, but IT may not have gotten past YWN censors (not that I blame them the comments should be censored thats how offensive they are)
“Yet despite multiple requests you cannot produce even a single direct source.”
I already supplied a source. He called Sandra Fluke a “feminazi” it was not over abortion, as you wrongly claimed.
He called her and said about her far far worse. He said things all would consider ” offensive ” by any meaningful definition of the term (most republicans criticized him at the time and yes of course he “apologized” )
If you don’ t think they are offensive comments, then we have different definitions of the word, and simply speak different languages.
As I said earlier, I have no interest in supplying lists of offensive things for you to say, it was a joke, it was along time ago, he/she/they deserved it. Yes Iv’e heard all that before. I’m not interested in hearing it again
You wanted an example I supplied it. That is all
Look if you say : “what do you want he spoke for 3 hours daily he was passionate he was funny (and he was), sure he occasionally said offensive things, The good outweighed the bad.”
I disagree, but that is a judgment call and people can disagree.
To say he never said anything offensive, and if he did it was always ok becasue “Sarcasm” is preposterous.
There are plenty of lists of offensive things I mentioned a few, there are others if you care for truth.
If you have a specific question on the topic I am of course happy to answer. Otherwise all the best