Reply To: Sidney Powell admits she lied

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Americans voting for Biden is not fraud. Fact: More people voted Biden than for Trump. In fact, more people voted for Hillary than for Trump.

The Trump/GOP/Powell/Guliani plan of, after losing the election, attempting to disenfranchise TENS OF MILLIONS of American voters by throwing out their votes is a catastrophic FRAUD.

The Trump/GOP plan that is happening across America of ensuring that they win by denying easy access to voting is the real cheating. This is the only way the GOP knows how to win. They can’t win with their stupid ideas of giving Millionaire tax breaks and not giving all Americans Relief during a pandemic. They certainly can’t win with their racism, xenophobia and love for AR15’s.
They can only win by making sure that American’s find it hard to vote.
The future should be that voting is easier and not harder. Voting should be as easy as ordering on Amazon.

I hope Sidney and others learn their lesson that lying and defamation do not translate into winning.