Reply To: YWN censoring standards

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The “CR moderator” placed a highlighted comment at the end of my last post in this thread that stated that CR Moderators have no access to articles and their comments. I’m not sure what that was supposed to mean. This discussion is about YWN article comments, not about CR posts. The fact that they are a different group of people seems irrelevant…
The comment, however, that they placed after Mindful’s remarks was quite informative, albeit not completely true, and very poorly written. While it may be true that the moderators as a group try to preserve the dignity of Torah and its leaders (and often fail miserably, as noted by other posters on this thread, even in situations where it is not a question of missing an ‘innuendo’), there are many other situations where censorship is obviously being practiced, and it has little or nothing to do with ‘leaders’ of Torah, and that is also done inconsistently. It seems that some “moderators” are bigger kanoim than others, and some feel they have a “mission”. When there is a difference of opinion as to whether someone is a “Torah leader” worthy of “protection” or not, then the opinion of the “moderator” usually wins. That’s what is known as “censorship”. And that is why YWN’s integrity is not very robust.