Reply To: YWN censoring standards

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Yechi Hamelech

yasher koach, Pashut.

Perhaps you can also convince YW to take down the comment posted by ‘yeshivish rockstar2’ on July 16, 2019 which said: “The Lubavicher Rebbe is a mixedbag: He made tons of people frum and brought them closer to Hashem. However, he also ended up causing many yidden to believe in kefira.”

As well as the comment posted by ‘lerntmittayrah’ on March 28 2019, which said: “Please don’t tell me nobody davens to the Rebbe if the sicha from 1979 EXPLICITLY PERMITS IT AND SAYS THE 5TH IKKAR DOESN’T APPLY TO THE REBBE DUE TO ATZMUS. So either they hold it’s true or they hold the Rebbe said apikorsus there and forget about it, but then moshiach can’t be an apikoires.”

If you manage to get rid of those comments you’ll save even more people from gehinnom.