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Yoma 9
One should tithe demai that you get from Am Haaertz, who knows whether he did. An exception is for bakers – their business will be hurt if they give away 20%. Gemora finds ways for them to not pay:
1) terumah? most Amei Haaertz do it – it is not much and punishment is scary
2) maaser levi and oni? simple: put aside 10% that are in doubt between the baker and the livi/oni. Well, when ownership is in doubt, you need a proof to take it away. Meanwhile, baker can keep it.
3) remaining – maaser sheni. previous excuses do not work. Here is Rabbis’ economic policy is spelled out: government harasses bakers forcing them to lower the prices. That is, price controls in order to make population happy – and government popular. Given this burden on businesses,
Rabbis cancel maaser sheni. That is, lowering taxes to save businesses suffering from price controls.