Reply To: How can I get my sefer into the hands of yeshiva bochurim

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How can I get my sefer into the hands of yeshiva bochurim Reply To: How can I get my sefer into the hands of yeshiva bochurim


There are many people who never developed the linguistic skills to learn inside on their own. There are people who are megayer and who are chozer b’teshuva. There are also many people who go through the yeshiva system and struggle with learning disabilities, dyslexia, etc. Should these people never get to experience the mesikus and amkus hatorah? Should they just remain spectators on the sidelines of Torah Judaism their whole lives?

It’s far preferable that iyun and lomdus be made accessible to these yidden than for them to not learn and watch tv and movies. There’s only so much Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and Parsha and Daf Yomi people can learn; they need deeper works in order to remain interested in learning.

Lomdus on the Parsha by Rabbi Flohr is the type of sefer that should’ve been produced years ago.

I advocate Artscroll-type seforim which take the most commonly learned yeshiva limudim (Shnayim Ochazin, Hameivi Get, Chezkas haBatim, Ohr Le’arba’a Asar, Lulav haGazul, Eilu Metzios, etc.) and present an English translation and discussion of the commonly learned rishonim and achronim on the daf, with discussions culled from the works of the roshei yeshiva. In other words, imagine a yeshiva shiur explained in English for those without the background, broken down appropriately. This need not even be a huge production; the editors can get shiur notes from yeshiva shiurim, with permission of the magid shiur, and present it in English, interspersed with the appropriate translations of sources. Perhaps even YU roshei yeshiva would be maskim to such a project. It would greatly help yeshiva bochurim, as well as fathers of boys in yeshiva who never got to go themselves.