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@coffee-addict @torahvaluesoverparty The clerical error was only in what was reported, the actual vote count was never affected. So even all the clerical errors in the world wouldn’t have changed the outcome.

I can see I’m not convincing anyone. Then let’s pick apart some other issues. I’m going to ignore the Republican election officials who were adamant that there was no fraud, and also the fact that all proven cases of fraud only totaled to a few dozen votes scattered across multiple states, and instead focus on specific claims

In Georgia there was a video showing a room full of ballot counters that empties out at the end of the day, then two people pull out suitcases from under a table, open them up, and add the contents to the ballot stacks. OAN purported that the video was showing secret ballot stuffing. In reality, according to people familiar with procedures, and the people who left the room in the video, the workers were opening ballots, not counting them, and the suitcases were full of already opened ballots that were added to the piles of open ballots waiting to be counted by another group.

A Trump attorney claimed that in Nevada, 42,000 people voted twice. In court, the evidence to back up that claim was slim to none and relied on a compilation of incomplete records obtained from the DMV matching up with names of people who voted.

99.9% of the other claims had little to no evidence to back themselves up. I specifically picked claims that on the surface were solid enough to even bring to court and/or have the President specifically address them. As you can see, even a cursory examination reveals the claims to be bogus.

I can bring up claim debunkings from here until Moshiach comes, but you can keep saying “But what about the other claims!”. If debunks on four of the strongest claims weren’t enough to make you skeptical, then what will?