Reply To: Confession

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Sam Klein

I feel your situation and feeling of the exact pain you feel of the tragedy in meron versus how others in klal yisroel are feeling about this horrific tragedy that hit klal yisroel in a shock it of no where. Totally unexpectedly.

Time for all of us to get together at the same time for serious teshuva and achdus with fasting ASAP like we did in the days of the Miracle of Purim and the people of Ninveh did and boruch Hashem their lives were saved. Let’s not wait any longer. WE DON’T C”V NEED ANY MORE HORRIFIC TRAGEDIES TO HIT KLAL YISROEL in order for us to return to Hashem with serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together as a loving nation.

Let’s start now so we can bring the korban chagiga this Shavuous in the Bais hamikdosh