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“Can someone not be a rebbetzin if her husband is a Rov?”

20 years ago my nephew-in law took a shul pulpit in NJ. A few weeks after he started the shul bulletin came out and it listed a number of classes for ladies to be taught by my niece.
She took one look at the bulletin and broke out laughing.
My niece called the shul president and said: ‘you hired my husband to be Rav, you didn’t hire and aren’t paying me.’ The president replied that the former Rebbitzen always taught those classes, and for free. My niece said: ‘I’m an attorney, I have a practice and my time is billed at $400 per hour. If you would like to hire me send me a contract and a serious offer.’

My nephew in-law notified the shul that he would perform the duties of his one year contract and was not interested in a renewal. He would prefer a congregation where everything was disclosed during negotiations and not after the contract was signed.
20 years later, he is still a shul Rav and she is still a practicing attorney, not a Rebbetzin