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I have semicha and my wife is not learned. She wasn’t raised frum, didn’t go to a seminary, but instead works with children and is a tzadeikes and eishes chayil. For that matter, how many of our grandmothers and alter bubbes went to seminaries and were pseudo-rabbis? Like my wife, they knew how to keep a kosher home. They taught the kids to be mentschen and to have good middos, and they were balabustes. They said tehillim, learned a Tzenah u’Renah, went to shul occasionally and that was about it. In many countries such as Morocco, they didn’t even read Hebrew. My wife wouldn’t be the best choice to give classes, and she wouldn’t want to. When I looked for a shidduch, I didn’t care about the ability to learn parshanim and whatnot. Who cares if a woman learns Ramban and Rashi? We all know the famous story with the 2 seminarians who went to see the Steipler, and he asked them if they knew hwo to make kugel. I think the emphasis on women learning has led to troubles and tzaros. The Satmar are right about this.