Reply To: Israel – acting rashly?

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To clarify, I wrote this before the rockets started coming over from Gaza. There is no justification for this and Israel should strike back with full force (doing its best to protect innocent civilians). I was referring to Har Habayis, Shimon Hatzadik and the general unpleasantness within Israel, not on its borders.

So those teens should have been arrested and faced the law. We are privileged to have a fully functioning Jewish state that doesn’t need to rely on responses from right-wing nuts ‘getting their own back’ to achieve justice.
We (rightly) get very upset when videos come out of Arabs shouting ‘Death to Israel’ and burning Israeli flags, yet in the past two weeks we have seen multiple videos of Jews shouting ‘Death to Arabs’, ‘Yemach Shemam’ and similar provocations.
It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. We are losing the moral high ground.