Reply To: ben shapiro

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee ben shapiro Reply To: ben shapiro


n0, two comments:
1) what I mentioned _is_ Torah. Both in terms of learning how to think and in specific sugyot. Why wouldn’t you teach bein adam l’havero to your kids? You need to look wider sometimes. For example, I am connecting Radak on Elisha and the bears with trade unions.

2) to be clear, I don’t think there is one universal answer here, as I alluded before. Some people live in insulated communities. Even then, we may not appreciate how connected kids are now electronically. As with the virus, if you send a kid to a group setting for others to teach them, if they have no phone, friends or friends of friends have. But not everyone has such background. I am coming from families that had engineers and doctors for a number of generations. CTLawyer probably comes from lawyers on Mayflower. Rav Salanter’s son was a ship engineer, if I remember correctly. Rabban Gamliel had 1000 yungele learning Torah and 1000 – Greek. We are not all the same, and it is OK.