Reply To: Covid Forever

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rightwriter, participant has a point. He’s fed up with these stupid leaders getting away with murder and not running the cities, states and countries normally with the convenienent excuse of covid-19. I understand exactly what he’s talking about with government federal and state buildings and offices shut-down and operating on a lower capacity when what took a day now takes weeks with no one to talk to on the phone and so you end up needing to wait even longer if there’s a document you were supposed to submit and did not because you had no clue that you had to submit it.

This stupidity is because the government is using your tax dollars for such stupid things they need to shut down the government partly and covid-19 is their convenient excuse. (That’s why I don’t understand how “Participants” supports the reparations of supposed “inheritance” for the blacks which will be one of the woke, out of control, spending things that will totally destroy the USA financially)

And the covid-19 craziness in Israel is a cover for those in power who want more power. Look how it’s turning out for them after forcing everyone to take shots and forcing business into closure for practically forever. And there are foreigners who can’t fake stuff like many do and they have no access to their own properties for the last 14-15 months. It’s insane.