Reply To: We, Yidden: G-d’s Chosen People!!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee We, Yidden: G-d’s Chosen People!! Reply To: We, Yidden: G-d’s Chosen People!!

Avram in MD

Avi K,

“However, I do resent maggidei shiurim using Yiddish terms when they know full well that not everyone in the shiur understands.”

So bring it up with the maggid shiur. The maggid shiur is not being malicious or pretentious, he is just giving over the shiur in a manner that he is comfortable with. It’s not just Yiddish speakers who do that. I’ve attended shiurim given by Israelis who throw in a lot of Ivrit and lose some of their audience because they forget to translate. I am a BT, and when I first started going to shiurim there were some that I could barely understand because of the “Yeshivish” English. Within a year, however, I was able to understand them. Picking up a different language is not harmful.

“I also think that it is a ghetto mentality to hang on to Yiddish.”

It doesn’t really matter what you think; it matter what the Yiddish speakers think, Why don’t you ask them if they have a ghetto mentality?

“Moreover, Hebrew is our ancestral language and unites us.”

I think you mean modern Hebrew (Ivrit), and with the CR as exhibit A, that is not so. What unites us is the Torah and serving Hashem as Jews.