Reply To: We, Yidden: G-d’s Chosen People!!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee We, Yidden: G-d’s Chosen People!! Reply To: We, Yidden: G-d’s Chosen People!!


balagan is probably original Persian and then Turkish before Russian, but it did find a home in Israel!

bitachon, kibutz – you are mixing up the word core meaning and context: I presume Baal worshipper will have bitachon in their idol.

agada = true story – I think Rambam will put this in the first category of those who repeat words of Sages respectably, but do not understand science. Again, the way people use it reflects their attitude, not unique to Ben Yehudah

Chashmal – you have a point here. In defense, Septuaginta translates Chashmal as elektron (amber), suggesting an easy translation of electricity, that was derived from elektron. This was a trend common to all nationalistic language devlopers. See French academy that defends the language by forcing translations of English terms.

But a bigger picture – while early Zionists had a choice between Yiddish, Russian, and Hebrew – and chose Hebrew for ideological reasons – think what would happen in 1950s when Jews from Arab countries came to Israel – they might have either stayed in their countries and end up under Saddam/Assad/Ayatollahs, or came to Israel and either have to learn Yiddish or created a multi-lingual society where people understand each other even less than now.