Reply To: Democrats Quiet on Cuba

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ctlawyer, I fully agree with you that social programs should not be conflated with support for murderous regimes. In fact, the correlation might have been forgiven in the naïve 19th century, but it is astonishing that same people in US that try to help poor people, also support communist countries.
This is not helping the cause of the poor with the rest of the population. If you know any of these activists, tell them!

As to Biden’s position, my info is from trusted lefty rugs, here is what they say:
March Psaki: A Cuba policy shift is not currently among President Biden’s top priorities
almost identical response a month later when pressed for reaction to Raul Castro stepping down as head of Cuba’s Communist Party.
while Biden voiced support for the protesters, describing the protests as a “clarion call for freedom,” much of his policy toward Cuba remains a mystery
questions on Cuba policy come as Biden has left largely intact Trump’s high-pressure, sanctions-heavy campaign against Cuba’s regime, despite campaign promises to the contrary.
They are concerned about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Cuba and the possibility that it could spill over into a migratory crisis