Reply To: Democrats Quiet on Cuba

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Jackk, nobody expected Biden and top dems to straight away side with the Cuban government. His response means little. Question here is, why did it take so long for a response from Biden? Why are many democrats, along with the mainsteam media trying to shift the narrative surrounding the protests? Psaki: “There is every indication that yesterday’s protests were spontaneous expressions of people who are exhausted with the Cuban government’s ‘economic mismanagement…” or blaming the protests on “lack of vaccines..”
And oh it might just be worth noting what Psaki actually said about Biden’s statement “The statement…we put out in the president’s name this morning, in his voice of course”…
This is what the New York Times had to say about this “Shouting “Freedom” and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages….”
Compare this to how all Republicans have responded. The contrast is stunning. Stunning and quite telling.
CTlawyer-The agenda that todays Democrats/socialists push extends far past the governments programs, which I think is really there up for debate. At this point its clear, that the democrat elites, along with the radical left, want to control what you think, control what kids are taught, and crush any opposing opinions. And the values they want the next generation to grow up with is abhorrent and disgusting. “And oh don’t you dear voice your opinion, you filthy racist” is what they tell anyone expressing concern. Pure unmitigated communist style.