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My point is that the overwhelming majority of what the state of Israel does was and is determined towards the undermining of Torah, whether or not they financially support yeshivos. Mitzrayim “supported” Torah since they made the leviim free to engage in Torah study. If Iran had some sort of stipend program for clergy students, I doubt that would change your opinion of them.

Israel believes in baby killing, toevos, chilul shabbos and senseless endless war that puts jews in danger. They believe in indoctrination of the youth in the army, kidnapping thousands of Yemenite jewish children and raising them secular….the list of blood and shmad goes on and on, so no, i really don’t care if they throw some misbegotten shekels our way.

My argument is that chazal called it galus even though Jews lived there. Jews live there now, but that does not change the state of being that is galus. As long as we’re not taken back komemius leartzeinu with Hashem, we are cast out spiritually.

Eretz yisroel grants a person a lot og spiritual gifts; i personally am not on the level to see a difference between Lakewood and Eretz yisroel, but there definitely is a difference. However I’d take Lakewood over chaifa or tel aviv anyday, because the Torah can be anywhere, but soul pollution of secular israeli culture is only more miasmic in eretz hakodesh than outside.