Reply To: Democrats Quiet on Cuba

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Syag -“Health- i do remember a time when you used to participate in regular topics and conversations without all the yelling and name calling. It would be nice to have you back again. Care to rejoin?”

Those were the Good Ole Days.
I remember the days when Frum people voted Democrat.
It’s not just their attitude that a Frum guy shouldn’t vote for them, because you could say they don’t know better when it comes to Gay marriage & abortion.
The main thing, since a Guy named Trump joined Politics, the Left & the Media couldn’t find a Nice Word to say about him.
And this isn’t the main thing – the main thing is since he became Political, they have done So many Dirty Things against him.
Starting with the FBI with their Russian Collusion and ending so far with stealing the Election from him.
You can’t pretend that you’re a Democrat and that’s a side point.
I’m not talking about that just Frum Jews can’t vote Democrat anymore, but any Decent Human Being can Not support the Democrat Party as it is – right now!