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AAQ – Those who disparage Medinat Yisrael but take from it….
Do you feel the same way about those who ‘disparage’ the Nazi’s but still take from Germany?
I am NOT comparing the Zionists to the Nazis, but the moshol is accurate.
Why should i not claim back property that my grandfathers’ murderer stole? It’s MY money, and I deserve it. And taking (part of) what is righfully mine does not mean i forgive him for killing my grandfather.
The zionists indirectly caused the death of thousands of Yidden, primarily during the War (including one famous instance when they prevented money from Rav Wiessmandel being passed on to the Nazis in return for Jewish lives) They knew that Israel will be built on the ashes of the Holocaust, and they needed more ashes….
This is all BESIDES for what they did to the spiritual lives of Ashkenzim and Sefardim alike…..

The paltry allowance they give to Torah Institutions compared to the millions they pour into general education and ‘culture’, comes from the money they we, the Charedim, are generating for the Israeli economy by just living.
The Charedi world brings billions of pure profit into the country. The amount of zedoko that we raise abroad far outweighs ‘exports’ – all the funds are pure profit. Every Yeshiva, Kolel, and Yerushalmi making chasunas, is doing so much for the economy of the Medina.
Yeshivas Mir is a goldmine for Israel.
Belz, Ger, Vishnitz.
Every Simcha, Every Chol Hamoed, Lag b’Omer in Meron.
The Kosel, Kever Rochel etc.
Har Menuchos and Har Hazezim. Even Bet Shemesh.
All the retirees that move to retiremnet homes in Israel.

And in return the Israeli government generously gives 800 NIS stipend to yungerleit. 500 to a bochur. Nothing compared to what they are giving exaggerated amounts to universities who waste a lot of the allowances on trivialities.

The Charedi world costs the economy almost nothing in the way of policing, court systems, prison-complexes etc.
The crime rate is practically zero. No murders, no drugs (almost?), graffiti, drunken driving, gangs, shoplifting, etc. But we still pay taxes.
Even if all the charedim paid was just VAT, we still would not be getting a fraction of what we are paying and what we contribute to the economy.
The export of Seforim and Judacia, is almost entirely from the Charedi sector. Are we getting anything in return? A measly 1380 NIS ($422) child benefits …… to cover the cost of 8 kids!

Enough said. Maybe I’ll elaborate another time.