Reply To: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 Reply To: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021


Yserbius”Are you intentionally avoiding my responses to your questions?”

-are you intentionally trying to make us laugh with your ignorance? 3 months? Try 18 and months and counting, for many antibodies level even went up. You know it’s kind of scary how many people think like you who just follow blindly whatever the media wants them to believe. Seems like they did a great job brainwashing you.
I mean honestly do you really just believe anything they say without even using half a brain of your own?

They even admitted that vaccinated can get infected and can pass it to others. And you still don’t question why they push the vaccine on people if it’s solving so little?