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Here regarding right to food.
“The right to food is protected under international human rights and humanitarian law and the correlative state obligations are well-established under international law. The right to food is recognized in article 25 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), as well as a plethora of other instruments. Noteworthy is also the recognition of the right to food in numerous national constitutions.”

ubiquitin-“I asked you this before. what rights? “rights” isnt a magic word that lets you do what you want. For example, there is no right to drive. I live in a small town, there is no food available in walking distance. I did a study and it turns out most drivers who got killed in car accidents had drivers licenses. SO, simple! I refuse to get a drivers license You expect me to carry a death causing card? No way!.

Yet the state says I am not allowed to drive! Would you believe that? I am basically stuck at home , I cant go to work I cant go get food. What about my rights?

That is how you sound.”

-Are you really comparing driving to basic human liberties? First of all in order to operate a car you need knowledge, practice, and skill so of course you will have to obtain a license which entails those 3 things I’ve mentioned. I dont even know how you compare this to anything. The license ID is just the proof that you have gone through that training and are qualified to operate that type of machinery.

Driving is not a necessity . You can live your whole life without having to drive. Your weak argument holds nothing. There is public transportation, taxis, ride shares, bicycles, walking, friends, etc. And it must be you have the funds for that if on the other hand you would have owned a car. Or is it also your right to be given a car according to your logic?

There is no scientific evidence that this vaccine prevents others from getting sick. Vaccines work based on the individual who takes it to protect themselves. It has no dependency on others. The CDC even admitted that vaccinated are not protected against variants and are spreading. Also we are seeing that in actuality.

Besides I gave you the case of Jacobson v Mass. The case wasnt even about getting the vaccine, it was all about the fine that he received for refusing the vaccine and didnt want to pay it. He wasnt fighting to not be force vaccinated and wasnt forced to vaccinate or be shunned from society. As the court said, their is no way to force the vaccine and at worst their will be a fine of $5.

And nobody said you have a right to do “whatever” you want. A child, this is how you sound.