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Whether or not he’s born with it is your word vs. his/her/theirs? (I’m just kidding). However, if someone were to have a Taava for Chilul Shabos, that is what HaKadosh Baruch Hu challenged them with, and if said person goes out and tries to find support for themselves among others who have a Taava for Chilul shabos in an effort to strengthen their commitment of not giving in to their Yeitzer HaRa, then support should be thrown behind it. However, going around and parading that one wants to be mechalel shabos is just silly, and should be condemned, even if said person does indeed struggle with that. Insert “Shmiras Einayim” in place of “Chilul Shabos”, and you’ve got a perfectly acceptable movement. Why not for Toeiva or Beged Isha as well?