Reply To: Jewish RocketMan

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Dor Haflaga,

“I also note that at the same time we are having this exchange, segments of the frum media are running stories with photos of a former chazar-eating, mechallel shabbos, yarmulkaless politician current being tried for felonies showing up at the kosel with a kipah for kol nidre as if this was some big kiddush hashem (since he was NOT also smoking one of the expensive cigars he was accused of having illegally accepted).”

I am unfamiliar with the story you are referring to, I am pretty sure that a good part of it is fabricated. Even if it was reported, that does not mean it was reported as a kidduch hashem.

However, someone going to daven us a kiddush hashem, regardless of his other shortcomings.

Being mechallel yom kippur befarhesia is a chillul hashem, regardles if the person is a billionaire. And glorifying it as you you continue to do, is also a prime example of a chilul hashem.

A limud zchus is that the gemara brings amoraim that said what would be considered for them a chilul hashem would be even a slight matter, because they are looked up to. I think you may gat a slight slide on your comments because the contrary is true with you.