Reply To: Sleeping in the sukkah

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Melbourne; I don’t mean to knock what you were raised with – i can only relate normative halacha as we have learned it from rishonim and achronim, and as there is a mitzvah deoraysoh to sleep in a sukkah, that mitzvah was given with full knowledge of the spiritual characteristics of a sukkah, so if someone felt the kedushah of the sukkah, it would not fall under the category of things like cold, rain, etc, which are simple identifiable discomfort ,”mitztayer”. However what the last rebbe said was even further, not that you’re patur because you feel the holiness, but rather that you’re pained that you’re not pained and that you don’t feel the kedushah, which is itself an exemption. We don’t find such far removed, indirect concepts in relation to halachos of any other mitzvah. I can’t tell you that it’s ok not to sleep in a sukkah for the above reasons, but i can say that throughout the generations, the majority of ashkenazi Jews have not and do not sleep in a sukkah outside of eretz yisroel. The reasons for this range from not being able to sleep in a sukkah with one’s wife, to being cold, and so on – all physical discomfort.