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How did it work?
We were all local residents who lived home with our parents. No dorm back then. It was the height of the Baby Boom entering Junior High and High School. The public Schools were on double session, 8-12 and 12-4/ We attended Yeshiva from 7:15-11:45, walked the few blocks to the public school and attended the afternoon session. We were at the pre-collegiate high school (the other was commercial). Probably 90% white, 55% Jewish. Lots of Euro-traditional Orthodox Jews in the public schools back then. Schools were closed on RH and YK, and all days of Yuntif for Sukkos, Pesach and Shavous were excused absences, Probably 70% Jewish faculty. My mother was an elementary school principal in the system, later Director of Special Ed and retired as Asst. Superintendent of Schools.
Things were much more rigid than in modern times. Boys had to wear Jackets and ties, girls had to wear dresses or skirts below the knee. Schmutz just wasn’t a big issue back then