Reply To: Please explain Ivermectin

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AAQ -“As advised, I looked at 4 top papers at FLCCC site ivermectin section: Etc.
Overall, this conforms to my impression: this is a hopeful tool, especially in poor countries, but even
most optimistic claimed results say that this is another layer in defense, in now way a substitute for vaccines, masks, etc – and some of the authors say exactly same thing.”

Are you a worshiper of our government?!?
Because they believe that if you take Vaccines that solves the Pandemic.
They are in some sort of Dream World!
I personally took the Vaxx for Covid19, but it’s not a solution.
They need therapies, like Ivermectin.

You only quoted 4 studies, so that is why you came to your conclusion -“Overall, this conforms to my impression: this is a hopeful tool, etc.”

It should be in the protocol for Covid19.
The government has No excuse for Not including it!
“Systematic review and meta analysis of 19 RCTs showing mortality RR 0.31 [0.15-0.62].
Hariyanto et al., 6/6/2021, peer-reviewed, 5 authors.
risk of death, 69.0% lower, RR 0.31, p = 0.001.”