Reply To: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse

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CK -“Under Trump crime skyrocketed throughout America but of course, there are other factors out of Trump’s control that must be considered and the same applies to Biden.”

It’s true, but it’s not true that it’s not Biden fault!
The inner cities are under DemonCrat control – so it has nothing to do with Trump.
OTOH, Biden is the Leader of the DemonCrat party.
This party is very lax on Crime & Punishment.
They make every excuse for Criminals – Critical Race Theory is one of them!

“To claim that when Trump negotiates with the Taliban, cuts out the Afghan government, and does not insist on enforcing agreeable benchmarks he is somehow making America stronger”

Another lie!
When Biden did the terrible removal of the troops, Trump was interviewed.
He said the agreement with the Taliban was kept.
We kept our part and they kept theirs.
Why – he said?
Because they knew, if they didn’t, he’d bomb and inflict major damage on them!