Reply To: What is the real reason for banning Jews from Israel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What is the real reason for banning Jews from Israel? Reply To: What is the real reason for banning Jews from Israel?

Shimon Nodel

I have a theory.

They realize that most foreign visitors are anglos. They know that most of those who visit on a regular basis are frum anglos. They simply see an opportunity to keep our frum Jews for as long as possible without negative repercussions.

I have always noticed a slight animosity towards frum people from abroad. They don’t want us. They want secular or very modern Americans to make aliyah. They are terrified of two things. One is that there will be more frum people. The second thing, which is the ikar is that they are afraid of an Anglo takeover. An influx of frum anglos establishing their own communities and increasing their presence would slowly create a major shift in Israeli culture. This detail is crucial. They spent decades being metamei everyone (to a certain subtle degree even the frum olam in Israel r”l, at least a large number of them) with their krum Israeli mindset and mentality. They have brainwashed and inculcated the masses with their stifling and socialist attitudes, way of life, cultural norms (abnormal), krumkeit mentality, azus, dagger in your face approach to others, etc. etc. the whole Israeli crooked mahalach.
Over time, outside influence could lessen their psychological control on society. So they are just stalling for time and possibly plotting more schemes in the meantime.

Hashem won’t let them succeed in their wicked designs.