Reply To: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? Reply To: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus?


Will you honestly say that you do not wish or think it’s best if everyone were lubavitch? Will you say openly that a lubavitcher is not better, more enlightened, or more authentic than a litvak who never heard of the sefiros, and that all forms of avodas Hashem are equally valid?

Ask yourself these questions and think about them for a while; they’re part of the reason why chabad complain about achdus and ahavas yisroel whenever they’re confronted with opposition.

They’re also part of the reason why true achdus will not he achievable so long as one segment believes themselves to have a monopoly on Torah, so much so that they brazenly send missionaries into yeshivos and shuls to convert young, impressionable jewish men to their beliefs.