Reply To: “Eisav Sonei LeYaakov”

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Gadolha, does the impracticality of a belief in a given circumstance invalidate it? If something is true, then it is – whether or not you should focus on it, is a different story. It is true that my entire body is 99% empty space, because the space between particles of atoms is such. If I were to think about that all the time, I’d go nuts, but it doesn’t mean it’s not true.

kanoi, Where does rav henkin say that?

On the contrary, aside from what the seforim say on the matter, that halacha yeduah is just that – a halacha, a law as immutable as shabbos and kashrus….we see it בחוש. Before the Holocaust, we didn’t see every goy seething and wanting to kill jews, but when the gezerah was carried out, the inner hatred was awoken and all manner of gehinnom came out. Friendly neighbors turned jnto torturers. Close friends became informants. We should adopt the slogan “never again” to refer to this….never again should we fall into complacency, pretending that goyim don’t hate us. The bais halevi says that when Jews don’t make kiddush (separating ourselves) goyim make havdalah, by force.