Reply To: Kyle Rittenhouse

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🍫Syag Lchochma

jackk – I actually thought about elaborating but then I remembered that in the past when I tried to explain things I saw (mostly revolving around the elections impeachment garbage) instead of getting responses I would get insults about watching too much fox news (NOT singling you out, this was a general response). So back then that was not where I got my info, and now it isn’t either, but I couldn’t imagine why the responses would be any different. I had actually not read any news stories on this all year. And, if I may add I assumed same as you regarding the story til I watched/listened to the actual trial (with no opinion pieces).

While I don’t condone running out to a mob with a gun, his dad lived in the town and he was sick of watching business burn down with nobody doing anything about it. I can’t argue him on that point. Im kinda sick of it myself.