Reply To: Kyle Rittenhouse

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Jackk-“A 17 year old with an AR-15 style rifle kills a man who didn’t have a weapon and he should not have been prosecuted?”-wow when you put it this way, sure he should have been prosecuted, except this version of the story doesn’t reflect reality. A mentally deranged person was chasing him, caught up to him, and reached for his gun. He also threatened earlier to kill rittenhouse. And even lfi this argument, why then was he prosecuted for shooting huber and grosskreutz? They were definitely armed. This trial was 100% politically motivated and it’s just too obvious.
Ubi-“Though I doubt he’s walking away rich he will be sued by the victims and will be swamped with legal fees for some time”-his victims are suing him for what exactly? His legal fees have most probably been covered by raised funds though I can’t confirm that. But regardless, Nicholas Sandmann, who was defamed by the Mainstream Media, is now worth over $100,000,000. I’d say Rittenhouse can get a lot more.
And to everyone who is saying Rittenhouse shouldn’t be playing cop, and all…2 points.
A) This does not at all take away his claim of self defense. Some of you have admitted that.
B)If it was your private business that you invested your whole life in, that he was defending, would you still sing the same tune? I think not.