Reply To: Shelo Asani Isha

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Reb Eliezer

I heard once from the badchen Rav Yaakov Miller Shlita to explain the passage in Aishes Chayil. It says
פיה פתחה בחכמה, she opens her mouth in wisdom ותורת חסד על לשונה as Torah of favor is on her tongue.
The man has a mitzva to know the logic of Torah, so the yetzer hara interferes in its accomplishment.
So. he cannot start with wisdom but with sharp funny insights into Torah. However, the woman has no direct mitzva to learn Torah but only to know how to perform her obligations to do her mitzvos. Her learning is a favor to Hashem and thereby there is no yetzer hara to interfere in her learning. She can directly, in mitzvos she is responsible, start with learning the wisdom of Torah.