Reply To: Kiddish/Chillul Hashem

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🍫Syag Lchochma

so it sounds like AAQ is (once again) advocating for making a good impression, or preventing a bad impression as his definition of a chillul Hashem. So what he is saying is that is important to forfeit Hashem’s will if it will tick someone off or rub them the wrong way.

You can’t have it both ways.

So if strict kashrus insults a coworker, just relax your standards.
If not going to the holiday party will make Jews look boring, be sure to relax that standard too. Especially if you were gonna go and just talk to the husbands.
If making brochos on food will make Jews look weird, just whisper it quickly without moving your lips. Why worry about Hashem’s honor when someone may think you’re odd.
If refusing to go out to lunch makes jews look stand offish, why hold to the silly chumras when you could join them and have a coke. How could it even be a question.

And where do you draw the line? Oh! That’s easy, just put it five inches beyond the last thing your audience is expecting from you. I mean, you wouldn’t want to risk looking inflexible would you?

Woe is to the one who does not see the respectful aspect of consistency and commitment to one’s values.