Reply To: Kyle Rittenhouse

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Kyle Rittenhouse Reply To: Kyle Rittenhouse


The problem that you fail to understand is the judge’s dockets are full. In order for the the judge to even consider granting him a hearing the DA may discuss the case with judge in between cases, but he must be able to provide evidence the divorce was a fraud and convience the judge that it was fruad beyond a reasonable doubt. The only evidence is a private eye claiming that the ex-husband stayed over night and the husband may have just cuase for being there.. If the ADA fails not only will he not get his hearing but get a dressing down and it’s doubtful the next time he needs a hearing he will not get it.
Judges do not like to delay docket becuase criminal will be denied speedy trail and go free. Divorce is a Civil Court and DA’s working in Criminal Court.Divorce is final and the divor,ce agreement can only be adjusted by the husband and wife.THe DA is an uninterested party in this matter. While a Criminal Court Judge may want to hear the ADA’s request. A Civil Court Judge may not even be so sympathetic to hear the ADA out as he is just creating more work when the whole civil court is backlogged. Without invalidating the divorce it’s impossible to prove fraud.
As far as delaying trials is concern, Mr Brooks who ran over and killed 6 people had his bail reduced from $10,000 to $1,000.00 becuaser his trial was delayed.
As far as my friend is concerned he kept finding victims and bring them to the DA’s office until the DA decided to prosecute. They made a plea deal and he got his money back and the defendant got probation.
Providing legal services without a license for a fee is a crime in all state punishable by fines and or jail time.