Reply To: Vayigash, Vaychi and Shmos on Redemption

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In order for a person to be answered by hashem for something s/he needs the persons needs to do more then just sit and daven or say tehillim, anyone can do that. A person needs to also YEARN for it be it for a shidduch or parnassah or for children etc….

Sadly in today’s generation were not YEARNING for the coming of Mashiach and rebuilding of the 3rd bias Hamikdosh. If klal yisroel was honestly YEARNING for Mashiach then on a day like tisha bav set aside for mourning the destruction of the bais Hamikdosh we wouldn’t be looking at our clocks so we can eat and go back up from sitting on the floor. For god’s sake the person would say ill fast a full extra day all I beg Hashem is to please send Mashiach and rebuild the bais Hamikdosh….

May we all wake up and do teshuva ASAP and start YEARNING for the Bais Hamikdosh so Mashiach can come already