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Avira, going from memory, the Rambam says they’re holier when he writes about the halacha you referred to — kadima by pekuach nefesh. Also see the Maharal, Gur Aryeh, Vayikra 12:2, beginning of parshas Tazriah, where he writes men are more chashuv and the Tiferes Yisroel 4 and 28 where he says theyare on a higher spiritual level (the opposite of what you asserted) and have more chochma. This same idea about spiritual level, made either explicitly or implicitly, can be found in the following sources: Rambam, Mishnah Horarios 3:7; Tur, Orach Chaim 46; Akeidas Yitzchak, Bereishis 6; Bartenura, Mishnah Horarios 3:7; Taz, Orach Chaim 46; Zies Ra’anan (Magen Avraham), Yalkut Shemoni, Shmuel 1:1; Vilna Gaon, Even Shelaima 1:8; Baal Shevet Musar, Midrash Talpiyos, Ohs Aleph, Anaf Isha; Rav Tzadock Rabinowitz, Dover Tzedeck, p. 119; R’ Avraham Yitzchak Kook, Olas Re’iah, Birchos Hashachar; R’ Moshe Feinstein, Igoros Moshe, Orach Chaim IV, 49; R’ Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 84; Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sichos in English, Iyar-Tammuz 5744, Vol. 21, pp. 69-72; R’ Avigdor Miller, Rabbi Avigdor Miller Speaks, pp. 245-246.