Reply To: Low Carb Challah?

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Low carb, but add potato starch? Then it’s not low carb. Starches, sugars and carbohydrates are the issue that make ha’motzi a serious health problem. There’s no mezonos food that’s healthy. And actually, they’re seriously unhealthy. The parve foods that were invented so we can eat them with our fleishech meals, ouch, a punch right to the fatty liver. No. Study after study after study that’s not paid for by the sugar industry or the soy industry or by any segment of the food industry show the health benefits of no sugars, no wheat, no grains, no alcohol, all to lower the release of insulin in the blood. It’s elevated insulin levels which killing us. “These are my laws that you should live by them.” And, “You shall eat, you shall be satisfied, and you shall bless the Lord your God.” Ok, sugars & carbs do NOT tell the brain to tell us that we’re satieated. That’s biological fact.