Reply To: Teachers salaries

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Ubiq; teaching is probably the most time consuming job possible – you always take your work home with you, and spend hours preparing…you don’t just walk in like a regular 9-5 job, do your work, come home to a supper, daven up a daf yomi and fo to bed.

Due to the low pay, having the sunmer “off” is quite far from a vacation; all rebbeim have to take summer jobs.

I’d much rather a system where rebbeim have to work in, say curriculum development over the summer and get paid decently than the way things are now.

If anything, it’s your post that is entirely making things up, casting chinuch as an east street profession – I find it insulting as someone who is in the trenches, constantly dealing with parents, lesson plans, grading, planning events and much more.

What I said isn’t “against the gemara” any more than is the cherem of rabbeinu gershom – yeridas hadoros happens, practicality has to be changed to reach the same goals. You’re probably fine with women learning gemara because “times change” even though the gemara is against it – there it’s changing not lishma, and here it’s changing as ais laasos lasehm heferu torasecha.

AAQ; most who go to work don’t go off, but a significant amount do, and a much bigger amount have a yeridah. It’s kind of the opposite of the situation of the gemara; yechidim can stay very strong while working, while most develop spiritual deficiencies – of course they were already having problems, but being in kolel would have held them back from many things. I’m talking about what I’ve seen happen to my friends who left Yeshiva early – I’m not talking at all about yungeleit who go to work after 5 years in kolel; almost all of such people I know of turned out fine, albeit a drop less idealistic.