Reply To: Teachers salaries

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Amom, I apologize if I am coming so negative, somehow we are talking past each other and not understanding. I mentioned the money aspect only as a qualification to my “kol hakavod” not even expecting that it applies to you as you were describing your job. And, frankly, I am more picky with this than with other members of society that may or may not be productive: we re talking here about yidden who spent years toiling in Torah. Surely, hopefully it is done in purity and honesty. for an extreme example, could you imagine someone learning whole day and then cursing people, or robbing them, or driving over them on the way home? Surely, everyone would say that this is not real Torah. If a college professor spends years researching Greek philosophy and then misbehaves in his private life, I will care less. This is my only concern, I hope I explained it better now. The rest are specific details that, as I mentioned before, people disagree about and I’ll try to address separately.